DadFixedIt.com is here to allow visitors and members to share lessons, advice, tips and tricks and help others with the everyday problems they may have to deal with. Some things we run into can seem overwhelming, or just more than we think we can tackle. I have watched my Dad over the years overcome many situations making his own tools or finding a way to accomplish a task with the tools he had available. I cannot remember a time when he hired someone to come to the house and fix something that had broken. He passed this practice onto me. I am a believer in the statement "What one man can do so can another." We all may take different paths to accomplish the task but we get there. The great thing about that is we can all help one another by sharing how we did it and maybe, hopefully, help someone out there struggling with a project, remodel or maybe some broken staircase spindles......I'll discuss that in a future post.... You get the idea.
There are so many videos, tutorials and forums out there it is hard sometimes to find the answer you may be seeking. I would much rather ask my Dad how to fix what ever I broke and get a answer right when I need it rather than spend my time searching the web for just the right answer that fits all my perameters (available tools, time and money). My goal here is to be a community of helpers. Ask a question and you will eventually have an army of helpers getting you the answer you need or posting the help video they found, the time their dad fixed it and how he did it without purchasing an isle from the Lowes home improvement tool section, or purchasing a one time use tool from Napa you’ll never touch again. Please join post and share the knowledge and lessons your Dads taught you. The pride and satisfaction you get when you fix your car or shave a little off that door that closes hard has not been felt by a lot of our children and younger generation. We can help change that.